Published by: 2K Sports
Developed by: PAM Development
Formats: X360, PS3, Wii. Format Played: X360

Everything I liked from 1 & 2 has been lost with 3 unfortunately, you have no sponsor anymore which means you can wear whatever you like but have to purchase it with point yet in the later levels you still earn cash but I am yet to find out why and what you can buy with it if anything.
The achievements are mostly for online gameplay which I hate for the one main reason, if you pick up the game a few months after release there are not that many people playing which makes it harder to gain achievements.

The game in my opinion has become a lot more harder, so much so that this is the first time I have had to move a game down to easy and sometimes I want to move to very easy but I can’t bring myself to do it.
You have to be in the correct position to hit the ball back correctly and if you are not you will either miss it or hit it out of the courts area.
Another annoying thing I found is that as I progressed through the game I become a lot better and it seems the computer realises this. I picked up on certain characters and their weak point and used it against them. There is nothing wrong with the computer realising this or changing its tactics within the game but what happened next was ridiculous. As the opposition could not beat me on court the game decided to change tactics and Ace me every time it was their serve. This has really annoyed me because the ball either goes so far to the right I cant make it or when the ball comes towards me and I press A my character wont swing and just stands there or head the ball with his head. This has really annoyed me no end so much that when I finish the game I will be selling it.
It started when I was 0-40 up against one player and at this stage you would be rubbing your hands together and thinking you got break but nooooo, first Ace, ok so they happen from time to time 15-40, 2nd serve Ace 30-40 ooooook, 3rd Deuce FFS then Ace Advantage, Ace Game!

The only good thing is the graphics are very nice.
P.S. Where has Wimbledon gone?
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