Tomb Raider Underworld 'Review'

Game: Tomb Raider Underworld
Published by: Eidos Interactive
Developed by: Crystal Dynamics
Formats: X360, PS3, PC, Wii Format Played: X360

Picking up from Legend this continues after. I feel like this game and Legend have now become Tomb Raider 2 and 3 because from Anniversary (TR1) Underworld continues the story from Legend but all the other TR games each have separate storylines.
First off the graphics are stunning and Lara’s looks and moves are impressive to say the least. You will see Lara look where she is placing her hands when she is climbing and when she is running down stairs she will do it properly to balance herself but occasionally she will also lose her balance and stumble forward which she will also sometimes do when she doesn’t quite make a jump and only manages to grab hold with one hand.
As with previous TR games the glitches are back but it’s not all through the game and only pops up here and there. Some of these glitches have been I managed to fall through a part of the land and sometimes a jump you know you can make she sometimes will not reach out to grab it and you end up falling to your death. These are only little things and they didn’t really distract me from playing through the game. I did have one major glitch in a room with blades and spikes and they froze but when I died they were still frozen so I could not move forward! Luckily the game auto saves so I had to go back and start that part of the level again.
The above and the fact the game is quite short are my only downfalls I am a huge Tomb Raider fan so it’s hard to me to criticize bits which have been in every TR game so far but in the end I think the fans have come to accept this as part of the game. Some reviews of this game have been average as they have said there is nothing ground breaking with this game……………………… what? Look what they did to TR2 by taking it away from tombs! I would rather they stay true to the first tomb raider and have Lara searching through tombs and finding secrets! Also puzzles, we like puzzles and even though there are some in Underworld they are no trouble whatsoever and you will not spend too long before you move on.
Secrets are now in Pots which are dotted around everywhere and quite easy to see but there are so many of them that finding all nearly 200 in the game could be tricky! There is also a Relic in most of the levels and these are a little more difficult to find but I wish there were more then just 6 as I found 4 in my first play through.
I have to say that I was a little upset when I finished the game, the story got better towards the end and I knew it was coming but there was one thing I hoped to expect but it never came but the ending was left open for another game which is great news.
Lara has some new moves as well as some old ones returning. You can still swan dive, the grabble is back although you can now use the grapple to abseil down high cliffs and area’s, also her pointless flips are back but slightly changed and although pointless they look so good! The way she flips up when climbing rocks now comes randomly and quicker. Lara’s headshots can now only be pulled off when your adrenaline is full which will fill up by shooting enemies and once full you can now click action when the enemy is attacking, this will slow down the screen for a short period of time and once this happens you have to move the curser to the head of your enemy before the time runs out, this will kill them with one single shot. Lara also has sticky bombs which can be used to take out a load of enemies at a time and also great fun!
Every so often the screen will fill with small spiders and Bats which can be annoying, they only take 1 shot to kill but so many come out at time your auto focus goes mental! But if you don’t want to shoot them just kick them out the way!
The levels are open plan and you can pretty much go everywhere which sometimes makes you lose your way slightly but that’s the fun with Tomb Raider games, its trial and error!
Like I said the story is good, the game play is fantastic (apart from a few glitches), the fighting is fun but the puzzles are easy and the game is shorter then I would have liked but what the hell you can always play it again on Hard!
On first play through I have managed to get all but 4 achievements and they have go rid of the time trials……………..why would they do such a thing?


Banjo-Kazooie "Review"

Game: Banjo-Kazooie
Published by: Nintendo & Microsoft
Developed by: Rare
Formats: X360/N64 Format Played: X360 Live

I have been waiting for ages to play this game again since playing the N64 version (Released in 1998) and always wanted Nintendo to bring it out on the Wii but as Rare was bought by Microsoft I thought it would never get a release. Something crazy happened around June of this year which was not only were they releasing it in lovely High Def but it was free…..yes FREE when you ordered a copy of their new game Nuts N Bolts.
Now I never finished the original so having the download gave me inspiration to finish this one plus the fact that the Xbox controller is a hell of a lot better then the N64 one was and you can now rotate the camera using the right thumb stick.

Banjo-Kazooie adopted many of its central game play mechanics from Nintendo's groundbreaking title Super Mario 64. For instance, the player must similarly explore non-linear 3D worlds and gather tokens.
The game opens on Spiral Mountain, home of Banjo and Kazooie, as well as the vile witch Gruntilda. One day while reminiscing her own "beauty" despite being an ugly old hag, Gruntilda learns that the most beautiful girl of all is actually Tooty, Banjo's sister. Banjo and Kazooie then decide to go save her with the help of Bottles the Mole who teaches the team all they need to know.
The game looks so much better then it did on the N64, everything looks so nicely touched up and the controls work very well.
Every world has 5 Jinjos hiding around, 100 Notes, 10 Jiggy Pieces to be earned and Mumbo Tokens which can be used it Mumbo’s hut to transform you into animals to help you get some of the Jiggy’s in each world.
Unlike Mario 64 once you find a Jiggy the game does not eject you out of the world and you can continue in the world to find everything.
As well as the collectables you can also find Bottles the Mole who will teach you new moves in most worlds. You have to find a certain number of Jiggy’s to open the new worlds and a certain amount of notes to open doors to progress.
This is a game for people who like to find things because on top of that there is also Hollow Honeycombes to find and six will earn you extra health and if you think that was enough to collect you can also find items called Stop N Swop

Stop N Swop
Stop 'N' Swop is an incomplete feature in Banjo-Kazooie. Six colored eggs and a key made of ice were discovered in the game that would be viewable in a menu titled "Stop 'N' Swop". In an ending sequence of Banjo-Kazooie, Mumbo Jumbo would tell the players that secret areas would be accessible via a link with the sequel, Banjo-Tooie. Stop 'N' Swop was never fully realized in Banjo-Tooie.
The Xbox Live Arcade version of Banjo-Kazooie will feature Stop 'N' Swop connectivity with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts to unlock new features
I managed to find all 900 song notes, all 100 Jiggys, all Hollow Honeycombs, all Stop N Swop and all the Jinjo’s!

The end of the game is different from any other game I have played as you play a board game which you have to make your way to the end answering questions about the game as you progress. It is a nice touch but some of the questions can be hard and if you land on a Death square if you don’t answer the question correctly you have to start again.

If you have managed to find all the Jiggy’s, Jinjo’s and Notes you get to fight the evil witch Gruntilda who has 4 different phases and proves to be a challenge. Only beating her would give you the true ending!

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Review coming soon!

Banjo-Kazooie - 9/10

Gears of War 2 "Review"

Game: Gears of War 2
Published by: Microsoft
Developed by: Epic Games
Formats: X360 Format Played: X360

It’s the big one so I better do it justice. I was going to put this game back as I have so many as it is but when I heard the rumour that it was only being sold for £29 in Sainsbury’s out came the credit card! And I am so glad I did buy it.
The game picks up from the last one and it’s not so much of the story that interested me with this game it’s just the mindless fighting and the fact you can kill people with a chainsaw on the end of your gun!
First impressions and I think a lot of people thought the same is that it looked and felt like the last one. A few new things of interest is that you can down and enemy and then once you see them crawling for their life you have a choice of executions you can finish him off with which leaves you feeling satisfied!
There are a few new weapons but it’s the old ones that most people tend to stick to!
The game is relatively easy, I still have to play through on insane mode but everything I have come across in Hardcore has been pretty easy going.
I have two games on the go, the solo campaign which I am playing on Hardcore and also a CO-OP mode which I am also playing on hardcore. Co-Op is really fun but it it’s just as hard as the single player because in the solo campaign your team mates AI is brilliant and they hardly let you down whereas the Co-Op mode I found my partner kept running into gunfire because that’s what he likes to do and then I had to run after him and save his ass. Works both ways mind as I also get downed and need assistance.
Online is fun but feels like any other FPS multiplayer but with chainsaws! The maps are well laid out and easy to work around but the best extra of them all is a multiplayer mode called Horde. In horde you have 5 of you in one map then they release wave after wave of enemies at you each wave getting stronger. I played 3 times and its not much fun when no one speaks to you but one of the games I played with all American’s was so much fun and they really got into it.
I love Co-Op games something that could have been so much better in Fable but unfortunately wasn’t to be. In Horde though as long as you have a good team you really feel part of something especially when a team mate saves your ass!
Back to the Solo mode and it’s just as good looking as the original. Instead of gears to find there are collectables, 41 to be exact and they all tell a story as well as gain you achievements. The boss fights so far have been fairly easy but Gears of War 2 is just a fun mindless game to play whether it be on your own or with a friend. Hail to chainsaws!


Top Spin 3 "Review"

Game: Top Spin 3
Published by: 2K Sports
Developed by: PAM Development
Formats: X360, PS3, Wii. Format Played: X360

After football I would say F1 and Tennis (Wimbledon only really) are the two sports I would watch. When Top Spin came out on the Xbox I bought it on release and I am not sure what made me do it but I really enjoyed it. I loved the fact you could choose to be nice or mad or rub the others face in it after any shot which seems to have been lost come the second one. But the main thing with the second is that it was just as fun as the first. It was easy to pick up and once you levelled up games became easier. You had a world map which means you could choose what tournaments to enter but this again has been wiped from 3.
Everything I liked from 1 & 2 has been lost with 3 unfortunately, you have no sponsor anymore which means you can wear whatever you like but have to purchase it with point yet in the later levels you still earn cash but I am yet to find out why and what you can buy with it if anything.
The achievements are mostly for online gameplay which I hate for the one main reason, if you pick up the game a few months after release there are not that many people playing which makes it harder to gain achievements.
As the sponsor goes so does the world map meaning you have to play the tournaments as they are given to you and as you progress through the game you have to play one each month and each tournament has 5 stages meaning they could last up to an hour to two hours depending on how well you do.
Also you lost your trainer which I used to find was a nice touch and what they have replaced all this with is to make the game more real! Why? It was fun as it was now you want to make it more lifelike? I don’t like lifelike if I did I would buy a racket and go play for real! What I want is fun and they are zapping everything I liked.
The game in my opinion has become a lot more harder, so much so that this is the first time I have had to move a game down to easy and sometimes I want to move to very easy but I can’t bring myself to do it.
You have to be in the correct position to hit the ball back correctly and if you are not you will either miss it or hit it out of the courts area.
Another annoying thing I found is that as I progressed through the game I become a lot better and it seems the computer realises this. I picked up on certain characters and their weak point and used it against them. There is nothing wrong with the computer realising this or changing its tactics within the game but what happened next was ridiculous. As the opposition could not beat me on court the game decided to change tactics and Ace me every time it was their serve. This has really annoyed me because the ball either goes so far to the right I cant make it or when the ball comes towards me and I press A my character wont swing and just stands there or head the ball with his head. This has really annoyed me no end so much that when I finish the game I will be selling it.
It started when I was 0-40 up against one player and at this stage you would be rubbing your hands together and thinking you got break but nooooo, first Ace, ok so they happen from time to time 15-40, 2nd serve Ace 30-40 ooooook, 3rd Deuce FFS then Ace Advantage, Ace Game!
That’s not tennis that’s just stupid! And when it’s my serve I beat him 40-0 but all my points are done after a rally which I worked for. I have only gotten 1 ace in the whole game so I have lost hope of getting the achievement for 100! The other 2 games I mastered but this game is ridicules.
Looks like Top Spin2 but clearly missing all the good bits.
The only good thing is the graphics are very nice.
P.S. Where has Wimbledon gone?


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed "Review"

Game: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Published by: LucasArts
Developed by: LucasArts
Formats: X360, PS3, Wii and PC. Format Played: X360

It’s been a while since there has been a great Star Wars game, the last one being the first Knights of the Old republic so when I heard that there was another Star Wars game coming out I jumped for joy…..ok well maybe just a little woop!

I watched loads and loads of clips of the game before I bought it and after a while I had second thoughts about it because it seemed like way too many over the top force powers………well what can I say. Who cares it’s fun fun fun!

The game is set between Episodes 3 and 4 and tales of a Young boy Vader trains in secret of the emperor. The story itself is good and fits everything in without ruining it.
The battle system is easy to pick up and use but wait! Yes I am going into negative comments this early on in the review! The problem with everything is bugs and glitches, they are everywhere and they can be annoying. I was in the middle of a boss fight one time when I suddenly found myself under the ground with my lightsaber poking out the top, annoying? Well not that example because I took the boss out from underneath :D but the lock on is absolute crap and this causes you to miss people you are targeting. Also sometimes the objectives disappear and if it does you can not get the achievement for doing all objectives.

However! Don’t let this put you off the game, if you can ignore all those bugs the game is fun and there is nothing more fun then clearing a room of stormtroopers with one big blast! Peter Petrelli eat your heart out!
I did enjoy every level and apart from the glitches the only annoying part of the game I found was the Star Destroyer! It’s not so much that it’s hard but stupid and annoying. Without giving too much away I’ll just say the controls are shit!

There are two endings, but you wont get to choose them until right at the very end and as I wanted to see them I went through the game twice and just about to do a quick spin through again as you keep all your force powers and items gained from the first play but if you want the Harder achievements you will need to restart a new game.
The first level see’s you playing as Vader who is powerful but annoyingly slow, but who cares as you are clearing wookies out left right and centre!

Things I found most fun in this game is blowing enemies around me out the way, force lighting and picking objects up and chucking them at people or picking people up and chucking them at people or just out of the way or off a ledge.
I would have liked to give this game an 8 but due to the glitches I am forced to lower it one.


Fable 2 ‘Review’

Game: Fable 2
Published by: Microsoft
Developed by: Lionhead Studios
Formats: X360 Format Played: X360

I loved the first fable; I mean I really loved the original so it’s understandable that I would be looking forward to the squeal. You start off as a young boy/girl and the first mission would have you running around fetching items and doing things for gold. This is for you to get used to the controls which are very easy to pick up and it also sets up the story. Be warned however that some of the choices you make at the start will effect how the game looks and people treat you once you start off in the town.

The game itself is very short but there is so much to do which could have you playing for hours. It’s the first game in a long time that has kept me up all hours because I was so focused in having fun that I lost track of time.
As well as the main story quest you can do and go pretty much anywhere. You will start off with little money and to gain more you would take up jobs which are jotted around the world. These involve working behind a bar, chopping wood and making weapons as a blacksmith.

Once you got enough money you can buy houses and shops and either rent them out at a rate of your choosing or live in them by yourself or a partner. Partners can be picked up almost anywhere and you will find that as you progress through the game the more men and women will fall in love with you. You can also take them on dates, give those gifts or use good (or sometimes even bad) expressions to chat them up. Once they love you enough just give them a ring and find a home and you will be married. You can also have protected or unprotected sex with your wife or just about anyone in the Fable world just be careful that if you have no condoms you will end up having a baby who will get older as the story unfolds.
Every action has consequences and the game really makes you think about your decisions, if you choose to be good just be warned that you might lose something dear to you. If you are bad don’t expect anyone to like you.
Sub- Quests come from anywhere, the local security even your child can have you running out to save them. You can marry more then one person and any sex but be warned when your partner travels to another town and meets your other partner or blackmails you for money. You can also have sex with more then one person at once if you want to try it out or just go for the achievement.
The other important thing I forgot to mention about this game is your partner who happens to be a dog. You find it very strange at first but it wasn’t long until I became attached to mine and treat him well he will learn tricks, find treasure and also attack enemies during a fight but if he gets injured just remember to heal him and give him treats for a job well done.

Buying out houses and renting them out will earn you money for every day you stay in the game and every 5 minutes while the game is off. It’s the easiest way to make money after getting enough from working. You can also leave your partner with a daily allowance and depending on how much you give them when you return to them they could have gifts for you.

The battle system is very easy as it’s only one button to attack or hold it down to block and charge your attack. Also there is another button that will perform magic. The longer you hold it down the more powerful the spell but you can also set different spells at different levels so the longer you hold down the buttons the different spell you cast.

You don’t really need all the magic spells because you can only assign up to five levels and five spells at a time. Also you can build your body up but after a while you start to look fat. Its not only levelling up, drinking and getting drunk might be funny but it’s the quickest way to make your character a porker and will take a lot of fruit and veg to thin back down.
Pie’s, veg and potions can regenerate health while in the field but each has it’s own plus’s and negatives. You can buy these from stores and wondering traders but that’s not all, there is also a book store, tattooist, tailor and stylist to be able to learn new expressions or change you look.

There is a co-op mode but it’s limited and you can not bring your own character into someone else’s game. Once in the camera is fixed for both of you but you can earn EXP and gold.
I love how everyone acts around you and there is so much vocal contact in this game it hardly ever repeats. Finding keys and gargoyles can also be fun and the graphics look very nice indeed. There are some small glitches and loading times are poor but the game itself is brilliant.

My only real negative comment is having to chat someone up using the same expressions for ages before they marry you or want to have sex with you but as you go through the game and become more known it’s a lot easier. The end boss battle if you can call it that is also far to easy.

Remember that everything you do will effect the change in the game and how you are seen. Playing through twice you could see a different side of you.
