Formats: Xbox360
Format Played: Xbox360
Import: Japanese

Only just imported this from Play-Asia but the UK version is in fact out this Friday. Having said that it was only £25 and comes in a better box with better box art and it is in full English.
This is old style RPG game play with random battles. Coming from the makers of Final Fantasy and welcoming Nobuo Uematsu who has done much work with Square-Enix on the Final Fantasy games this sounds like an amazing RPG before anyone has played it. So far all I have done is a couple of battles at the start and I have seen lots of cut scenes. While walking around you can steal anything and you unlock memories as you progress through the game or when you sleep at Inns. These memories can be long at times but the stories are deep and sometimes sad.

LO feels like Final Fantasy, the graphics are outstanding and the voice acting is far better then FFX. Like FFVIII there is an extra thing you can do while in battle. In FFVIII you could use Squalls Gunblade at the right to inflict extra damage, In LO you can do the same but hitting the left trigger when the outer circle hits the inner circle as you approach your enemy, the closer the circles the more damage.

I will update a Review as soon as I am more into the game. For now I sit back with my new Elite and hope to spend a great amount of time with this one. Also worth mentioning that this game is 4 disks long.
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