Format Played: PS2
Import: N/A

Those who know me know that I love Square-Enix, it’s the reason I will one day buy a PS3. I already have the Japanise version of Crisis Core and have Lost Odyssey on pre order (makers of Final Fantasy).
Final Fantasy 12! I was not so keen on it being set what seems to be the past. Castles, bow and arrows and weapons like hammers! I like the new future look like FFX, this is one reason I think I stopped playing it. Also I think I had other things on the go too. FFXII plays like FFXI, there are no random battles and the enemies you see on screen are the enemies you will be fighting. You can also flee from these enemies but 9/10 times they will give chase for a while until the give up or you leave the area. Just be warned they will be waiting for you if you go back in.
The battle system is straight forward and there is a new system introduced called gambits. With Gambit slots you can tell your characters what to do without your doing.
For example you could have a character set so s/he will automatically target the nearest enemy then if anyone’s health falls under 50% (eg) they will heal them or if they are blinded then they will automatically use the correct magic to counter it. This goes on and you can have loads of different Gambits set. You can not buy spells or better weapons until you have achieved them on the licence grid. Like the Grid in FFX you gain LP (Licence Points) with ever enemy you defeat. Once you have enough you can but licences for example “Cure” then once you have bought the spell from the magic shop your character can now use it. Same goes for armour, getting extra gambit slots etc etc

As the locations from one to another travel is made easier by the use of chocobos, Airships from one port to another and gate crystals. Like save crystals you can save at these points and also use them to be teleported from one gate crystal to another provided that A) you have touched the crystal already and B) you have a teleport stone. Later in the game you will acquire your own ship but this will not be for a while.

Each enemy you fight will drop items which you can sell. The more of the same enemies you chain together the better the items.
The main story isn’t as strong as earlier Final Fantasy’s but the size of the game and amount to do is what makes this game one of the most enjoyable Final Fantasy’s I have played. You do get your moneys worth with this one and more.

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