Format Played: Xbox360
Import: N/A

Guitar Hero 3 IMO has a weaker track listing then 2 but this is not felt by my fellow gamers who prefer the track listening of the new version. This I think is because the new one has more up-to-date music.

The two main new features in GH3 are online play and battles. This is really good fun and great for people who don’t have two guitars. The only problem being is for some strange reason you can not play the co-op campaign on live which I can not understand at all.
The battle modes (also available on live) are a nice extra, you play against a guitar start eg Slash or online against a friend. You both play through the song and gain powers you can use against each other like cutting a string or upping the level of difficulty. The loser is the first one to let their meter fall past the red. If both players reach the end of the song you go into sudden death.

The look of GH3 is improved and buttons are easier to locate and see. I think that it’s slightly easier then GH2 despite having more notes in each song.
Those of you who have bought it with the new guitar will be holding a wireless version which IMO does not feel any better then the previous one.

All I ask is to releases Queens Tie your mother down as this would be an amazing song to play.
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