Published by: Square-Enix
Developed by: Square-Enix
Formats: Xbox360 Played: Xbox360

The Last Remnant is another great RPG from Square-Enix. Instead of going through the story I thought I would just focus on the battle system and some other points of interest.
The battle system works different from previous RPG’s and you only have to only ever worry about equipping one character but you get lots!
Instead of having a lot of characters and only being able to equip 3-4 of them at a time in this game you have up to about 25 characters which you can change around all the time and play with around 15 of them in separate parties but all onscreen.
You can have up to 5 in one group but you must have 1 leader and the rest can be soldiers which you can pick up in some of the towns. Leaders can be bought from Guilds which are dotted around in most of the towns and later on there are special Guilds. As you progress through the story you equip more and more characters and what makes this game different is that every battle is more like a war then facing random enemies.
For Example I have 3 teams of 4 and 1 team of 3. I have 2 leaders in teams A and B and one each in the other teams. When you enter a battle you get options for each team rather then any individual characters although some special attacks will only require one of your leaders in that team and when selected you will know that only that character will use it.
As you walk along the maps you can see all the enemies on the screen and you can draw them in with a touch of a button. If you draw in an enemy and defeat it your chain will go up so long as you are in the same area and every enemy you defeat you have attacked first. If you don’t draw in enemies you could be attacked first, this gives them the advantage and you lose your chain. Chains are good for gaining more money and better items at the end of each battle. You can also run past enemies by slowing down time but this can only be used for a limited period of time.

Side quests are great for gaining money, equipment and gaining EXP but the Enemies in the story will also gain EXP as you do so this is unnecessary if you just want to play through the story.

There are also some bosses that will take control of your party, this can be annoying as your possessed party can take you out with one hit and what’s more annoying is that sometimes it will not give you the option to bring them back which makes it hard to continue.
All in all though the graphics are stunning, the story is above average and the gameplay when it works in your favour works very well. I will say one more bad point and that is sometimes you might have to go through lots and lots of enemies and then face a boss (sometimes two one after another) and it wont give you an option to save which means if you lose you might have to go through 30mins-1hour of gameplay again and maybe again!
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