Published by: Capcom
Developed by: Capcom
Formats: Xbox360, PS3 Played: Xbox360

Sooo Resident Evil 5..first off I will mention that I never played this game solo, I understand it’s meant to be frustrating when your partner takes all your items you want and uses valuable herbs when you take a hit of damage! So I decided to play with a mate over xbox Live. Not only does co op work well but I feel it brings a little more fun into the game and also your partner might spot something you don’t!
The game is a lot shorter then RE4 and the co op brings a new angle to things. RE4 kind of stepped away from its survival horror and became more of an action game. I have to say I do miss the zombies from the first game, they brought a sense of fear and excitement and now its all unloading your guns, blowing shit up and quick time events…………………….Quick time events :( could be a good thing, I personally don’t favour them to much especially when in co op both of you have to get it right, and you have to be dead on!

Finding treasures seems pointless, all you do is sell them again the might as well just give you extra gold lying around! Ammo can be in short supply at times which is a good thing as it teaches you not to unload all your bullets onto oncoming enemies and maybe look around a bit for barrels or if all else fails just peg it!

The story is ok but not brilliant and sees the return of some characters from the first Resi game although Chris seems to have been hitting the gym everyday since the first game was released as his arms seem to be modelled on the incredible hulk! All he needs is to become green and rip his clothes a bit!

You can use your found gold to upgrade weapons or buy new ones but you can not buy any ammo, this is an annoying thing but on the other hand a good thing as it teaches you to go looking for some and use some of the other weapons you would not normally. You can only hold 9 items on you at all times and this includes everything, your healing items, guns and ammo everything else goes into a item screen you can only take from when you start a new level or die!
You can pass items between you and your sidekick and if you come across an item you want you can drop an item but this will be gone forever!

Not a patch on RE4 but a great Action Co-Op game none the less
8 out of 10